Monday, May 7, 2012

Farm Blog for May 8th

Last week: Ezra, Bobby and Albert chopping up the greens compost from our berm to add to the compost bin in layers with brown ingredients to speed up the decomposition process:

This weeks farm assignment:
On your blog please post:

Part I: Your observations and general feeling about the work you did at the farm.

Part II: We will all complete science experiments in class, though if you need it for your portfolio you will need to write a 3 page background paper to go along with it.

Research Question: What are you trying to figure out?
Hypothesis: What do you think will be the result of your experiment based on background research?
Independent Variable: What is the thing that you are testing or comparing?
Independent Variable: What will react to the test/comparison?
Constants: What will you make sure to keep the same in your test/comparison to really see if the independent variable you changed makes a difference?

Part III:
A list of the crops that you are growing in your berm and an approximate harvest date: This will be useful for planning our sales.

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