Thursday, October 27, 2011

What else is due?

In addistion to the other assignments listed on the previous post we now have a couple of new things due:
1. Description of pH experiment
2. Description of field trip to BKFarmyards to learn about hoop houses.
What are they? What are the pros and cons of them? Can CAS have one? Would you build one?
3. Final reflection: What did you like about the class? What are you still interested to learn about or be involved in? What do you recommend be different for the next class?
4. Your part of the chapter of the Garbage to Gold (Trash/compost) book.

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Compost Book

Our garbage affects our health and the environment. Unfortunately, there is no safe and easy place to put all of our waste indefinitely. We can, however, decrease our trash flow by separating and composting the organic waste.
Your job is to create a compelling book/resource guide that describes the problem, how decomposition works and the benefits of using compost.
Each student will:
1. Choose one area from the three sections described above and find at least 5 sources of information. These sources should include a variety of information, graphics, data, etc.
2. Meet as a group to identify which sources (should be 5 from each person) should be included.
3. Write your section of the guide using your sources as reference material. Each student will be responsible for a part of the section.
The problem with our trash: Each student pick one area:
a. history
b. data
c. impacts
How decomposition works:
a. The biology
b. The chemistry
c. The physics
The benefits of compost:
a. How it is used
b. Studies on effectiveness
c. Examples of innovative ways to compost in large-scale areas.
4. Each section should have at least 2 visuals (graph, table, picture, etc.), 1 video, 1 podcast and 4 written articles.

Monday, October 3, 2011

New Blogs Need Updating

Today I read through the students' blog and they are very good. They all seem to need updating and more detailed information though:
At this point you should have:
1. First impressions of the farm.
2. Map of the farm
3. Description of companion planting and what crops you have chosen to plant based on companion planting.
4. Daily observations of the berm and the work that you do: Planting, thinning, dead-heading, weeding as well as observations of the plants: germination, harvesting and general health.
5. Soil and air temperature daily as well as soil moisture.
6. Description of our soil: N:P:K as well as pH and soil texture. Describe the process of getting the results.
7. Experiment Description for raising nitrogen: In Detail!
8. Research for lowering the pH of the soil organically.
Lots of Pictures!!

This is a picture of the roots of the cover crops improving the health of the soil by increasing organic matter and preventing erosion.